Cold hands and feet may wish to eat some lamb

Lamb has always been a good ingredient for winter tonic. It is not only delicious, but also has many medicinal properties. The "Neijing" records the replenishing effect of mutton on the human body and categorizes the mutton into lung gold according to the Five Elements Theory. Mawangdui Han’s Tomb, “The 52 Diseases,” also recorded the use of boiled lamb meat, drinking meat and juice to cure diseases. For those who are cold in winter, eating mutton may be the best way to warm up. Instructor: Chen Jie, Director of Nutrition Department, Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, and Han Xiaoming, Director of Vascular Surgery. Correspondent Luo Xin Modern Express reporter Li Xinfang


Cold hands and feet, eat lamb to help you warm up

Many people are prone to cold hands and colds in winter, and some of the backs of the hands will have a grid-like pattern of dry lines. Han Xiaoming explained that these symptoms are actually referred to as “yang deficiency” in Chinese medicine. Cold hands and feet and the heart and blood vessels have a great relationship, because the blood flow from the heart, once the failure of the cardiovascular system function, it will cause symptoms of cold hands and feet, generally thin girls, low blood sugar and excessive pressure on those Easy to move.

For this group of people, Han Xiaoming suggests eating mutton. Mutton is warm, can make up for labor, cold, warm blood, especially suitable for autumn and winter consumption. As a nutritionist, Chen Jie believes that mutton and red mutton have the best ventilation effect. For mutton meat, Chen Jie reminded that vegetables must not be less, such as wormwood, Chinese cabbage, green vegetables. In addition, some lamb vermicelli (increased starch intake), soy products, fish slides, and shrimp slips are placed in the mutton hot pot. This overall nutritional balance is relatively balanced.

The best partner for lamb is radish

There are many practices for mutton, stewing, simmering, simmering, simmering, and grilling are the most common. From the perspective of the effect of ventilation, Chen Jie recommends mutton and red mutton. Similarly, there are many foods with lamb, commonly used are radish, gourd, melon, spinach, cabbage, mushroom, mushrooms and so on. But when it comes to lamb's "matchmaking", it's none other than non-radio. On the one hand, meat and vegetables complement the various proteins that the body needs. On the other hand, radish is cold and cool, it can moisten dry fire, go to greasy, and help digestion.

It is best to eat mutton

Since lamb is a warm food, there must be people who are not suitable to eat it. Chen Jie reminded that there are fever, toothache, mouth sores, red eyes, mouth pain, irritability, dry throat pain, diarrhea, or taking Chinese medicine Pinellia and Shichangpu should all reduce or not eat lamb, suffer from liver disease, hypertension, acute enteritis and other infectious diseases, or should not eat during fever.

In addition, some people like to eat a hot pot to get a little vinegar, Chen Jie reminded that eating mutton is not vinegar. This is because vinegar contains protein, sugar, vitamins, acetic acid and a variety of organic acids. It is warm in nature and should be used with cold foods. It is not suitable for hot mutton.

In addition, there are records of mutton in the ancient books of Chinese medicine that are not suitable for eating with pumpkin. This is mainly because lamb and squash are warm foods. If they are eaten together, they can easily "get angry." In the same way, when it comes to lamb meat, the collocation of spices should not be ignored. It is best to put some ginger that is not peeled, because ginger skin is cool, there are scattered fire in addition to heat, the role of pain relief rheumatism, and the same with the lamb can also remove the smell. When cooking lamb, use less hot and pungent condiments such as peppers, peppers and cumin; you can put some lotus roots, which have the effect of pure heart and purging fire.

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