Eight people are most jealous

Vinegar is the most common condiment in our daily life. Vinegar is not only delicious, but also full of health care effects. Vinegar health care has become a fashion and is quietly popular in the family. But everyone should also pay attention to it. Vinegar may not be for everyone. Health effects, and the side effects of vinegar can not be ignored. There are eight kinds of people who are jealous and cause all kinds of discomfort, so be careful when you are jealous.


1. Avoid allergy to vinegar and hypotension

Vinegar can cause allergies and rashes, pruritus, edema, and asthma in these individuals. In addition, vinegar in patients with low blood pressure can lead to lower blood pressure and headache, dizziness, weakness and other adverse reactions.

2. Patients with gastric ulcer and hyperacidity should not be suitable

Vinegar will not only corrode the gastrointestinal mucosa of these patients but also aggravate the development of ulcer disease. Moreover, vinegar itself is rich in organic acids, which can cause the digestive organs to secrete large amounts of digestive juices, thereby increasing the digestion of gastric acid and causing ulcers to increase.

3. Those who are taking Western medicine should not

Those who are taking certain western medicines should not be jealous. Because acetic acid can change the pH of the local environment in the body, some drugs cannot work.

4, empty stomach should not be jealous

No matter how strong your gastrointestinal tract is, it is not suitable to drink vinegar on an empty stomach, so as not to stimulate excessive secretion of gastric acid and damage the stomach wall. Between meals and meals, or an hour after a meal to drink vinegar, do not stimulate the stomach and intestines, help digestion.

5. People with fractures avoid jealousy

People during fracture treatment and rehabilitation should avoid jealousy. Because vinegar can soften the bones and decalcify, destroy the dynamic balance of calcium in the human body, it will promote and aggravate osteoporosis, so that the injured limb is sour, and the pain is aggravated. The fracture can not heal.

6. It is not appropriate to take basic medicine

When taking sulfa drugs, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium oxide, Weishu equal basic drugs, should not be jealous, because acetic acid can neutralize alkaline drugs, and make it invalid.

7. It is not appropriate to use antibiotic drugs

When gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin, erythromycin, and other antibiotics are used, they should not be jealous because the effect of these antibiotics in the acidic environment will be reduced and affect the efficacy.

8. It is not appropriate to take Chinese herbal medicines that “relieve sweating”

Chinese medicine believes that the acid energy can converge, and when the compound Yinqiao tablets and other anti-flammatory Chinese medicines cooperate with it, vinegar will promote the contraction of human sweat pores, and will also destroy the active ingredients such as alkaloids in traditional Chinese medicines, thus interfering with the sweating of traditional Chinese medicines. Solution table effect.

A small amount of jealousy does not hinder, but any person who overturns the vinegar-like jar of vinegar irritates the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, commercially available fruit vinegar or other vinegar drinks often contain large amounts of sugar. If vinegar is used instead of boiling water or tea to increase the amount of calories, long-term drinking will increase the chance of obesity, and it will be even more detrimental to weight control. .

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