How to feed livestock and poultry using pellet feed

Feeding methods: 1. Livestock and poultry should be fed for 6-7 days before feeding, making them gradually used to feed pellet feed. Feed twice daily during feeding and let them feed freely. In the evening, make up a small amount of hay to increase the digestibility. The daily feed of pelleted feed is based on a small amount of residue in the daily feed trough. A sheep with a daily live weight of 30-40 kilograms only gives a daily dose of 1.5 kilograms, and a sheep with a live weight of 40-50 kilograms gives a daily dose of 1.8 kilograms. Feeding pelleted feed requires more water than grazing, and when water is scarce, livestock and poultry feed off. Therefore, we must drink water at regular intervals and drink at least 2 times daily. It is more ideal to have an automatic drinker. 2. The pellet feed will swell and break when it meets water, affecting the feed intake and feed utilization. Therefore, the rainy season should not be kept in open circles. It usually takes place during the withered season to avoid the rainy season. 3, before the start of feeding, insecticide and medicine bath must be carried out. Symptomatic treatment of livestock and poultry with other diseases should be used to make better use of feed. Appropriately extended feeding times will result in greater compensatory weight gain to achieve the desired feeding effect.

Formulated feed: According to the type of livestock, production performance and physiological conditions, the grass-based rations can be combined, and the compounded feed can be processed into a certain dosage form so that livestock and poultry can be directly fed. For example, cows can be processed into grass cakes with a diameter of 160 mm and a thickness of 10 mm, or 16017060 mm; sheep are fed with a cylindrical or square column of particles with a diameter of 10 mm and a radius of 5 mm.

Patch For Diarrhea

Medical Cold Patch
Patch for diarrhea
[Name] Medical Cold Patch
[Package Dimension] 5cm 4pieces/box
The pain relief patch is composed of three layers, namely, backing lining, middle gel and protective film. It is free from pharmacological, immunological or metabolic ingredients.
[Scope of Application] For cold physiotherapy, closed soft tissue only.
The patches give a fast relief for diarrhea.
[How To Use a Patch]
Please follow the Schematic Diagram. One piece, one time.
The curing effect of each piece can last for 6-8 hours.
Do not apply the patch on the problematic skin, such as wounds, eczema, dermatitis,or in the eyes. People allergic to herbs and the pregnant are advised not to use the medication. If swelling or irritation occurs, please stop using and if any of these effects persist or worsen.notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Children using the patch must be supervised by adults.
[Storage Conditions]
Store below 30c in a dry place away from heat and direct sunlight.

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