New coated slow-release fertilizer application technology

The new coated slow-release fertilizer refers to the pre-set fertilizer release mode in the crop growing season, so that the nutrient release law is synchronized with the crop nutrient absorption, so as to achieve a fertilizer to increase fertilizer utilization. Coated slow-release fertilizer can be used once in one season. When it is time-saving and labor-saving, application of coated slow-release fertilizer can significantly reduce the volatilization and leaching of nitrogen fertilizer, greatly improve the utilization of fertilizer nutrients, and save fertilizer resources. The earth has reduced the pollution of the atmosphere and the environment caused by fertilization.

Increased production and efficiency: A large number of tests and demonstrations have shown that the sustained-release time for coated slow-release fertilizers ranges from 2 to 12 months, with extremely significant increases in yield and quality in rice, corn, wheat, cotton, and peanuts. The effect of nitrogen fertilizer utilization is 50% or more than that of conventional control fertilizers. In the case of reducing the amount of 1/3-1/2, there are still obvious effects of increasing production or promoting growth and development and improving quality.

Technical points: The application amount of coated slow-release fertilizer should be determined after comprehensive consideration of the target crop yield, soil fertility level, and fertilizer nutrient content. At present, large-area crops are usually applied as blend fertilizers for coated fertilizers and quick-acting fertilizers. The amount of nutrients, contents, and proportions of coated fertilizers must be taken into account. The application method of coated slow-release fertilizers needs to be carried out according to the characteristics of the cultivation and growth of different crops.

1. Rice, wheat and other root-dense and evenly distributed crops can be uniformly spread on the surface at the same time as the recommended coated slow-release fertilizer application at the same time before planting or transplanting, and can be planted after ploughing. .

2. For crops with large row spacing such as corn, cotton, and peanuts, apply the recommended amount of slow-release fertilizer for special coated membranes. Apply the ditch to the bottom of the seed or 5-10 cm near the side of the seed. Note that sulfur-coated urea as well as blend fertilizer with coated fertilizer and available fertilizer can not be in direct contact with the seed, so as to avoid burning seeds or burning seedlings.

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