Ten Key Issues for High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Strawberry in Greenhouse

Editor's note: Planting greenhouses Strawberries have been a major event for farmers in recent years. However, planting strawberries is not a simple matter. Last year, there were a lot of novice strawberry growers. They planted a "back bend" in planting techniques. The fruit produced was not good in shape and quality was poor, so it could not be sold in the market. In response to these problems, the editors compiled a set of methods for systematic management of strawberries, hoping to help fruit farmers in production.

One Question: How to standardize strawberry planting?

A: 1, Shizuji Fei. Choose the fields that are rich in organic matter, fertile, loose, deep in soil, and well drained, and use organic fertilizers such as pigs, sheep, immunization, and chicken manure that have been decomposed and covered with agricultural heat-treated membranes for several months. Add appropriate amount of fertilizer into the field. The amount of fertilizer per acre is 500 kg of organic fertilizer, 100 kg of rapeseed cake, 50 kg of compound fertilizer (sulphur), and 10 kg of urea. After fertilization, irrigated with intensive cultivation, the fertilizer is fully mixed into the soil until the field is naturally dried and then ridged. After the ridge ridge is ready, spray the herbicide.

2, soil disinfection. With trichlorfon, a land disinfection and pest killing work was conducted to reduce the occurrence of land pests and diseases.

3, colonization. In production practice, if there is a sharp arching of the shortened stem, the ear leaves appear on the petiole of the base of the leaf, and at this time, the standard of flower bud differentiation is achieved. 6 meters wide standard greenhouses, planted 8 rows, plant spacing 20-25 cm, planted 6000-8000 per mu.

Second question: How to manage plants?

A: When strawberry seedlings are planted until they grow into buds, they are generally required to retain 5-6 leaves and retain one bud. To remove too much old leaves and buds and axillary buds in time, remove the old leaves whose stems turn yellow after flowering. Withered leaves, timely removal of stolons to reduce consumption. Remove small branches and weak fruits. Generally, 7-9 pieces of stem fruit per peduncle are used to increase fruit and improve quality.

Three questions: What is the appropriate temperature and humidity for strawberry management in greenhouses?

A: Strawberry plants are not heat-resistant, and are more cold-tolerant. The plant growth temperature is 10-30° C. The roots are relatively hardy, and the optimum growth temperature is 17-18° C., which is lower than 2° C., and the growth is stopped above 25° C. Freezing damage occurs below -8°C. The suitable growth temperature of the leaves is 15-25°C. Below 5°C, growth will stop at temperatures above 30°C. -7°C cold injury. Flowering optimum temperature 20-25 °C, 10 °C above the beginning of flowering, and the need for anther opening temperature of 13-27 °C, pollen buds to 25-27 °C for the appropriate. The early fruit growth period is suitable for 18-20°C, and the mature period is 20-25°C. The temperature difference between day and night is 8-10°C. The humidity in the greenhouse is controlled below 80% before flowering, and it is appropriate to control flowering to fruit enlargement at 60%. In order to prevent the onset of high temperature and humidity, use air ventilation before and after noon. In April of the next year, the temperature has significantly increased, and the surrounding membranes on both sides of the greenhouse can be removed to increase the ventilation volume. This will bring about cooling and dehumidification and prolong the fruit production period.

Question 4: How to conduct field management?

A: In the fall, topdressing is dominated by nitrogen. In the winter, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied once and winter is cultivated. Apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to heavy fertilizer in early spring to promote flowering results. In spring, the diseased leaves, old leaves, and yellow leaves should be removed in time, and the small fruit branches should be properly removed, and some small fruits and deformed fruits should be removed, so that 10-15 normal fruits per plant can be obtained.

Five questions: When did strawberry harvest?

Answer: The strawberry fruit in the greenhouse is mainly eaten fresh and must be harvested when more than 70% of the fruit surface is red. In winter and early spring, the temperature is low, and it should be harvested when the fruit is 8-9 mature. The temperature rises after the early spring and the harvest period can be appropriately advanced. Picking should take place between 8-10 am or 4-6 pm. Do not remove fruits and hot sun so as not to spoil. When picking, take it lightly, pick it lightly, and put it gently. Do not damage the calyx. At the same time, it should be packed and packaged in stages.

Six questions: How do we control strawberry weeds?

A: The strawberry plants are low in height, high in planting density, and difficult to weed. In addition, due to the large amount of basal fertilizer used in strawberry gardens, the amount of irrigation water is large and the amount of weeds is large. Therefore, we must pay attention to comprehensive weed control measures.

1, manual weeding. There are three main periods of manual weeding in strawberry production: one is after planting until the winter; the other is the spring of the following year, after germination of the strawberry, before flowering; the third is the critical period of weed control after fruit picking.

2, mulching, control weeds. The turtle is made into a turtle shape with a 10-15cm height and a 50-60cm width. It is covered with a black mulch and has a good anti-grass effect. Covering with a transparent film also has a certain effect of inhibiting grass, but it can easily lead to premature aging of the plant.

3, herbicides weeding. One year old grass and broad-leaved weeds can be treated with 48% trifluralin, by spraying 48% trifluralin per acre after transplanting with 150ml of water and 50 liters of water, immediately after application. Earth, in order to prevent photolysis; use 24% Dacker, can kill the common broad-leaved grass strawberry garden; with 12.5% ​​Gai Seo EC or 35% stable kill, can control grass weeds. The number of sprays can be determined according to the amount of weeds to be produced, generally 1-2 times.

Question 7: What causes strawberry deformity?

A: The main cause of strawberry malformed fruit formation is poor pollination, but its severity is related to the following factors:

1, varieties. Fertility of the varieties themselves is not high, stamens are stunted, and male and female organ cultures are inconsistent, resulting in incomplete pollination and malformation. Such as Dana and other varieties, prone to stamen short, long pistil phenomenon, small and small pollen grains, germination power is poor, so prone to malformation.

2. Visit flower insects. In the protected areas, there are few bee pollinators, or due to environmental influences, the sugar content of the nectar in flowers is low, and insect pollination cannot be attracted and pollination is poor.

3, temperature and humidity. High temperature, low temperature or high humidity can cause malformation. Flowering pollination period, the temperature is too low pollen development, the temperature can cause the receptacle to become dark, high humidity will affect the anther cracking, and easy to form droplets wash the stigma.

4, spraying flowering. Spraying during flowering can wash the stigma. In particular, flowers that bloom on the day are more serious, which not only hinders pollination, but also prevents insects from spreading pollen, resulting in increased malformation rate.

Question 8: Can Strawberry Straw Prevent Preservation?

A: At present, the following measures can be taken to prevent strawberry deformity in production:

1, select the appropriate species. Among the varieties of Lihong, Chunxiang, Baojiaoshengsheng and Hongyi, it is best to pay for the early birth of Bao. Pollinating varieties may be selected from the mixture of spring pollens with a large amount of pollen and the main cultivars.

2, beehive apiculture. The strawberries cultivated in protected areas have an early flowering period, and there are few natural flowering insects in the early stage, so it is better to store bees in the shed. About 5,000 per standard shed, the pollination rate can reach 100%. The bee time is 8-9 am and 3-4 pm.

3, control the temperature and humidity. Flowering and fruit setting period should always ventilate and cool down. The daytime temperature is generally maintained at 20°C-28°C, and maintained at 6°C-7°C during the night, and the relative humidity is controlled below 90%. A drip-free membrane shed is used to prevent water droplets from eroding the stigma.

4, thin flowers, fruits and vegetables. Sparse secondary flowers and deformed small fruit can significantly reduce the rate of malformed fruit, and is conducive to the concentration of nutrients, increase the weight of single fruit or fruit quality.

5, reduce medication. The use of virus-free seedlings, plastic film cover and other agricultural measures, try not to use drugs or reduce medication. Severe pests should be used before or after flowering. Flowering is strictly prohibited during the flowering period. If necessary, the beehive can be removed and treated with a smoke agent.

Question 9: How to make strawberries harder?

A: The hardness of strawberries can be increased by the following methods:

1. Choose strawberry varieties that are resistant to storage and high hardness.

2. The strawberries used for storage and transportation are harvested when the fruit surface turns red at 3/4. 3, the amount of calcium.

Ten questions: How to extend the shelf life of strawberries?

A: The natural fresh-keeping period of ripe strawberry berry is only 1-3 days, and it is very easy to rot and deteriorate. To extend the shelf-life of strawberries, it must be scientifically harvested, sorted and carefully stored.

Scientifically harvesting different strawberry fruits has inconsistent ripeness, so to pick it up once a day or the next day, all mature strawberry fruit must be harvested every time to prevent it from rot due to overcooking and affect other strawberry fruits. The appropriate time for harvesting strawberry fruit is early morning, before 10 o'clock in the morning and in the evening, and it cannot be harvested at other times. The skin of strawberry fruit is extremely thin. When harvesting, it must be taken lightly, lightly picked, and placed gently. Together with the handle, the fruit can be cut off with a fingernail. When fresh fruit fruits have more than 70% coloring, they can be harvested. This kind of fruit is of good quality, beautiful in shape and relatively resistant to storage and transportation; for strawberry fruit, such as jams, fruit juices and jelly, etc., should be ripe when the fruit is fully mature. Harvesting, this fruit has a high sugar content, a lot of juice, and a strong aroma. The fruit used for canning needs uniform size, 70-80% coloration, harder pulp, and better coloration.

In order to ensure that the strawberries that are harvested are not squeezed and bumped, the collection containers should be cartons or plastic boxes, bamboo boxes, etc. The boxes should be filled with soft goods. Generally, 2.5-5 kg ​​of strawberries per box is appropriate. When harvesting, it is best to classify the edge and remove the deformed fruit, over ripe fruit, rotten fruit, and pest fruit. Fruit grading standards are as follows: single fruit weight is more than 20 grams for large fruit, 10-20 grams for the fruit, 5-10 grams for the small fruit.

Freshly harvested strawberries should be carefully stored in a cool place or in a pre-compartment. When transporting, it is best to use a small transparent plastic box to load strawberry fruit. The single box of fruit is 0.25-0.5 kilograms, and then it is loaded into a large box with a load of not more than 5 kilograms. It is necessary to select the best route for transportation, minimize vibration and shorten the transportation time.

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