Cyperus affine - related compatibility

Related compatibility

1, Jiefang Yu: Atractylodes, Cyperus rotundifolia, Fuling, Divine Comedy, and scorpion decile. For the end, water pills such as mung bean large. Take one hundred pills per serving. ("Danxi Heart Method" Yueju Pills)

2. The government stopped drinking and drinking beverages, and the atmosphere was attacked on the upside. The chest and back were unfavorable: Xiang Fu (Saponin water diffuse), Pinellia one or two, and White Poria at the end of the second half. Ginger batter pills, big dumplings. Each serve three or forty pills, ginger soup at any time. ("Ren Cuntang Experience Party")

3, treatment of partial headache: Chuanxiong 22, Xiang Fuzi (fried) 42. On the end. It is especially good to have tea and tea. ("Squatting")


4, cure vomiting blood: the child will be attached to the end of the incense or white and served at the end. ("Danxi Rule of Law")

5, treatment of urine hematuria: Hong Fuzi, new earthworms and other decoction. Serve three or five soups of Xiang Fu Tang first, and then serve the soup to the ground. ("The Whole Life Finger Fan")

6, rule under the blood more than or into a five-color uterine bleeding: Aconite (to peel the hair, slightly fried) for the end. For each serving of two money, the rice drink is adjusted. ("Premier")

7, treatment of anal prolapse: Aconite, Nepeta spikes are divided into the end. For every three spoons used, a large bowl of water will be fried with a few boiling sauces. ("Three Causes" Xiang Jing San)

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