Moxibustion can relieve dysmenorrheal discomfort

Moxibustion is an external treatment method created by the ancient Chinese working people in the long-term struggle against disease. The principle is to warm the blood, correct the evil, regulate the function of organs, so as to achieve the effect of delaying aging and strengthening one's health. Female dysmenorrhea and menstrual disorders can also be controlled through moxibustion.

Using moxa moxibustion at acupuncture points, Zusanli (3 inches below the knee) can also use direct moxibustion, first right and left, with garlic juice applied to the surface of acupuncture points, the moxa into a grain size like alum Place it directly on the acupuncture point and light the thread. When the patient feels hot and unbearable, you can remove it.

Dysmenorrhea points are taken from the pole (1 inch on the umbilicus) and Guanyuan points (abdominal midline, 3 inches below the navel). In the supine position, ginger slices with a thickness of 3 to 5 mm and a diameter of 2 to 3 cm are placed on the acupoints. On the top, take a small amount of moxa and place it on the ginger. Apply light moxibustion. If consciously burning, move it slightly. It begins 3 days before menstruation and ends when menstruation stops. Each 20 minutes, two months for a course of treatment.

Menstrual maladjustment points take Sanyinjiao (3 inches at the tip of the medial malleolus), Guanyuan, Qihai (at the midpoint between the Guanyuan and Navel), and Zusanli, using moxa sticks suspended moxibustion.

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