Take measures to prevent kiwifruit damage

Mulberry white worms, also known as mulberry pods, tree scorpions, and female worms and nymph colonies are fixed on branches and trunks and sucked on sap. In severe cases, the vines are hung like a layer of cotton wool. After the branches and trunks are damaged, the tree vigor is weakened. In severe cases, the branches are dry and dead. If they do not take effective measures to prevent and control, the whole park will be destroyed in 3-5 years. In recent years, mulberry whitebait has been distributed in the kiwifruit production area in Guanzhong, Shaanxi Province, and has shown a rising trend year by year. Damaged shoots are often bumpy and stunted. Seriously affected the normal growth and development of kiwifruit trees and flower bud formation, weakening the kiwifruit vigor. How to properly control the pests has become a concern for farmers. In response, the reporter interviewed Li Longshan, a researcher at the Academy of Forestry Science of the Northwest A&F University. He said that the majority of fruit growers should make the following points in orchard management:

1. Strengthen quarantine on kiwifruit seedlings and scion used for grafting to prevent pest damage.

2, do a good job in the clear garden in winter, and combined with pruning, cut off the damaged branches, scrape off the overwintering female adults on the branches, and spray a 3 Baume degree lime sulfur agent, eliminate the overwhelming insect source, reduce the damage of the following year.

3, in the dormant period of fruit trees, brush with a stiff bristles or thin wire brush, brush off the body on the branches.

4. In the spring, before the sprouting of the tree, spray 5 waves of lime sulfur or 40% of liquefaction oil 1000 times and 4,000 times of soft water. Melting EC 5 degree lime sulfur can only be used before germination.

5. Protect and use natural enemies. The natural enemies of Morinda citrifolia are red dot ladybugs, black ladybugs, ladybugs, ladybugs, etc. The protection of these natural enemies can ease the damage of Mulberry.

6. Control spraying during the incubation period of mulberry nymphs. When the mulberry whiteworm nymph is found in the kiwifruit garden, spray 40% of Anmulole EC 1000 to 1500 times or 40% of good labor EC 1000 to 1500 times and soft water 4000 times. Spray once more in five or six days to eliminate the nymph.

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