Inventory sperm killer TOP7

The study found that about 40% of computer-printed shopping tickets contain chemicals that disrupt hormones, bisphenol A (BPA), which greatly reduces sperm quality and quantity.

Canned food

Canned food is indeed very convenient, but almost all metal cans contain BPA coating, and there is a high possibility that BPA will infiltrate foods (especially acidic foods such as tomato sauce). Many researchers believe that the largest source of BPA pollution comes from the food packaging industry.

Sex appliances

Sexual devices made of vinyl, such as vibrating rings, masturbators, etc., release phthalates. This plastic softener is associated with cancer, allergies, birth defects and infertility.

Toxic bath products

Phthalates also appear in soaps, shampoos, cleaners, and vinyl shower curtains. During the bathing process, heat will accelerate the release of harmful chemicals and make it easier to enter the body.

Pesticide agricultural products

The agricultural product must be thoroughly cleaned before consumption. Chemical pesticides can kill crop pests and kill sperm with little effort. Insecticides not only exist on the surface of food, but also enter the food. Therefore, it is best to choose organic agricultural products without fertilizers and pesticides used in the production process.

Car heating cushion

The use of heated car seats is very comfortable, but it can lead to high male genital temperature, which in turn impairs sperm quality. In addition, the heating pad, long bath time, etc. will lead to testicular temperature is too high, preventing normal sperm production.

Contaminated fish

The toxic chemicals, polychlorinated biphenyls, accumulate in the fish's body. The substance has a harmful effect on sperm. Fish from contaminated water is best not to eat. Experts said that if you particularly like to eat fish, then deep-sea fish, especially wild salmon, is the best choice.


Peeled Black Garlic

Peeled Black Garlic is peel them first, and then fermentation,It's easy to eat.

We know that garlic itself is a very good health food, while the role of black garlic is really amazing. For diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, cancer prevention and treatment have a very significant effect.

Once you have peeled the clove it is ready to eat.Black Garlic

should have 24 months shelf life if stored in the correct conditions.

Peeled Black Garlic

Peeled Black Garlic,Peeled Fermented Black Garlic,Fresh Peeled Black Garlic,Organic Peeled Black Garlic

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