Excessive damage caused by excessive phosphate fertilizer

In recent years, in order to increase crop yields, farmers' friends have been hesitant to purchase large quantities of fertilizers for farmland, and the use of phosphate fertilizers is also increasing. What is the harm of excessive use of phosphate fertilizers? Recently, the author consulted relevant experts on this issue. Experts said: The appropriate application of phosphate fertilizer in soils that are deficient in phosphorus has a good effect on increasing crop yield and quality, but excessive use of phosphorus fertilizers has many harmful effects.

Excessive application of P fertilizer will reduce crop yields. Absorption of excessive P nutrition from the soil will promote the crop's respiration to be too vigorous, and the dry matter consumed will be greater than the accumulated dry matter, causing premature development of the reproductive organs, causing premature crop maturation and small grains. ,Low Yield.

Excessive application of phosphorus will induce excessive zinc deficiency in the soil. It will cause zinc in the soil to react with excessive phosphorus, produce zinc phosphate precipitation, make the crop unable to absorb, make the crop appear obvious zinc deficiency symptoms; excessive application of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, etc. Alkaline phosphate fertilizers will alkalinize the soil and reduce the effectiveness of zinc, affecting the absorption of zinc by crops.

Excessive application of phosphorus will lead to loss of silicon. According to studies, excessive application of phosphate fertilizer will cause the silicon in the soil to be fixed and cannot be absorbed, causing silicon deficiency in crops, especially for silicon-based crops. For example, silicon-bearing crop rice, if it can not absorb more silicon from the soil, will produce stalks slender, lodging and poor resistance to disease and other symptoms of silicon deficiency.

Excessive application of phosphorus will make molybdic crops lack molybdenum appropriate application of phosphorus fertilizer, will promote the absorption of molybdenum crops, but excessive application of phosphate fertilizer, will make phosphorus and molybdenum lose nutrient balance, affect the absorption of molybdenum crops, showing a "molybdenum deficiency."

Excessive application of phosphorus can easily cause the accumulation of harmful elements in the soil. Phosphate fertilizer mainly comes from phosphate ore, which contains many impurities. Including cadmium, lead, fluorine and other harmful elements. Moreover, the application of phosphate fertilizer will cause the increase of cadmium in the soil. This cadmium has high effectiveness and is easily absorbed by crops, which will cause harm to humans and animals.

Excessive application of phosphate fertilizer will cause the deterioration of soil physical and chemical properties. Superphosphate contains a large amount of free acid, and it will be applied in large quantities continuously, which will cause soil acidification. Calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer contains 25%-30% lime. A large number of applications will exacerbate soil alkalinity and physicochemical properties.

What is the appropriate amount of phosphate fertilizer? Liu Cunshou stated that, in general, even if phosphorus is deficient in soil, the application amount per mu cannot exceed 40 kg, and 30-35 kg is appropriate.

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