Keeping your baby's dietary principles

The height and short stature are related to many factors. Such as race, genetics, geography, climatic conditions, living habits, health conditions, nutritional status, injuries and how much to participate in sports activities. These influencing factors can be divided into two categories: congenital and acquired. Research shows that 60% of the child's body height depends on the genetic factors of her parents, and raising children by scientific methods can increase the child's height by more than 10 cm. This fully explains the inborn deficiency, which can be supplemented by the day after tomorrow. In particular, reasonable dieting is important.


1, short stature diet principles

In general, people do not grow taller until 20 to 25 years old, but before this age, providing adequate nutrition (referring to the nutrients that children need for growth and development) can promote the child's height growth. Need to pay attention to the following aspects.

(1) Adequate supply of protein Because protein is the best "building material" for children's growth and development, adults need about 80 grams of protein every day, and children need to be relatively higher, not only to ensure the quantity of protein, but also to pay attention to the quality of protein. Animal foods such as fish, meat, eggs and milk contain relatively complete human essential amino acids and have high nutritional value. They should ensure their supply and needs. The combination of vegetable proteins such as beans, peanuts, vegetables, and animal foods can further increase the nutritional value of proteins, complement each other, and enhance the body's absorption of vitamins and minerals. It has been reported that lysine and nucleic acid are closely related to height. These foods are rich in lysine and nucleic acid and should be given to children.

(2) The supply of calcium-rich calcium is an important raw material for the formation of bones. Preschool children need 600 mg of calcium per day, 800 mg for primary school students and 1200 mg for middle school students. If the supply of calcium in food is insufficient, rickets will occur in infants and young children, and school-age children will grow up. Therefore, diet should pay attention to the supply of foods rich in calcium, such as milk, beans and their products, sesame, kelp, shrimp, melon seeds and green leafy vegetables. Adding appropriate amounts of calcium and cod liver oil to toddlers and school-age children will have a positive effect on growth. To promote more children to outdoor activities in the sun, because of ultraviolet rays in the sun, can make the dehydrocholesterol in the skin into vitamin D, and help calcium absorption.

(3) Advocating less sugar consumption Eating more sugar will easily affect the child's appetite and reduce the amount of food consumed, which will inevitably affect the absorption of nutrients. When there is too much sugar, the pyruvic acid and lactic acid, the metabolic intermediates in the body, will increase. This requires basic calcium to neutralize, and the consumption of calcium will inevitably increase, thus affecting the growth of bones. In addition, Chinese wolfberry, bamboo shoots, garlic, spinach and other foods containing oxalic acid, can be combined with calcium into insoluble calcium oxalate, so that calcium in food can not be absorbed by the body, so when eating should pay attention to methods.

(4) Be sure to eat breakfast. Breakfast should be full and eat well. If children do not eat well for breakfast, lack of nutrient supply, and the brain consumes insufficient energy, they must use the protein stored in the body. This is like a “recruiting salary”, and over time, it will inevitably affect the growth and development of the body.

In short, in order for the child to have sufficient nutrition for a long body, the child must be allowed to eat well and eat, and he should pay attention to diversified recipes. He should pay attention to the color, aroma, taste, type and nutrition of the food and adopt a variety of food mixes. To achieve the complementary effects of food, the body to obtain all kinds of essential nutrients. To correct children's partial eclipse, picky eaters and other bad habits. It is also necessary to encourage children to exercise more and actively participate in physical exercise, which is also an important factor in promoting children's growth. In addition, we must pay attention to children's mental health, because the soul trauma, mental stress, emotional depression, can cause endocrine disorders, affecting children's growth and height growth.

2, balanced nutrition to promote children's increase

The six major nutrients required by the human body come from food, and different foods contain different nutrients. In order to properly select foods and properly collaborate to obtain balanced nutrition, dietitians classified various foods into five categories according to the situation in our country, and designed a “pyramid” for a balanced diet. The tower is divided into five layers. The location and area of ​​each floor are different. It reflects the status and proportion of various foods in the diet to some extent. The specific content is:

A first layer (bottom) cereal-based. Including rice, noodles, and grains. It mainly provides carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber and B vitamins. They are the main source of energy in the diet, and a variety of cereals are mixed with food, which is as good as eating alone. Eat 350 to 500 grams per person per day.

The second layer of vegetables and fruits. It mainly provides dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins and carotene. Vegetables and fruits have their own characteristics and cannot be completely replaced by one another. They cannot eat fruits and vegetables. Generally speaking, red, green and yellow dark vegetables and deep yellow fruits are rich in nutrients, so dark vegetables and fruits should be used. Should eat vegetables 400 to 500 grams a day, fruits 100 to 200 grams.

The third layer of fish, shrimp, meat, eggs (meat including meat, poultry and viscera) category. It mainly provides quality protein, fat, minerals, vitamin A and B vitamins. They differ in nutrient content from one another. Eat 150 to 200 grams a day.

The fourth layer of milk and beans food. Milk mainly includes fresh milk, milk, etc. In addition to rich in high-quality protein and vitamins, the calcium content is high, and the utilization rate is also high. It is an excellent source of natural calcium. Beans are rich in high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, and vitamins B1 and B2. Drink 250 to 500 grams of fresh milk a day, and 50 to 100 grams of beans and soy products.

Fifth layer (tap) oils and fats, including vegetable oils. It mainly provides energy, but also provides vitamin E and essential fatty acids. The daily intake should not exceed 25 grams.

Expert tips

In the “pagoda” of food, the five types of foods needed daily cannot be substituted for each other. For good health, every type of food is needed. In the same layer of the “pago pagoda”, the nutrients contained in various foods are generally similar, and they should be frequently replaced in the diet so as to make the meal rich and colorful. And the more variety you eat, the more comprehensive your intake of nutrients.

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