Three kinds of bathing methods in winter

In the Tang Dynasty, he wrote the description of “Hin Yin Tzu”: “The person who fasts is not eating vegetables. It is only for bathing bodies. It is not for the bath to decontaminate the body. For the benefit of its law in the diet, the friction is also smooth.” Eating fast is not just quitting vegetarianism. It also has the function of reconciling the spleen and stomach through dieting. Bathing is not just washing away dirt with hot water. It can also rub the skin to make the skin smooth and blood flow. Fully understand the dual role of bathing and bodybuilding.

Hot water bath - eliminate body fatigue

Case: The Japanese called the hot bath “soup bath”, also called “soaking soup,” and often “bubble” together. Placed in a bathing pool, 40°C behind the water is poured into the stone trough and the body and mind are exhausted.

Comments: Fatigue has a certain relationship with the concentration of lactic acid in the human blood. A warm water bath can speed up the metabolism, increase the speed of the body's decomposition of lactic acid, and eliminate fatigue. A 20-minute bath equates to 500 meters of jogging. Therefore, bathing also has fitness effects. However, the warm bath water temperature is not as high as possible, otherwise excessive sweating may lead to collapse, and the water temperature should be controlled at about 38°C.

Cold bath - enhance cold resistance

Case: Mr. Xu Te-li's teacher, Mr. Xu Te-li, has experienced the vicissitudes of life, but he still enjoys a 92-year-old high life. Among them, the cold water bath has contributed to it, and he is called “the battle of the revolutionaries”. Xu Lao, after getting up, wiped his head with cold water, rubbed his neck, chest and back, and rubbed it until the skin became red and heat. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, it never changes.

Comments: cold bath can improve the body's ability to resist cold, exercise blood vessel elasticity, is a "vascular gymnastics." What needs to be reminded is that the cold water bath has a process of adaptation. If you keep taking a hot bath and suddenly take a cold shower, you will get sick not only without benefit.

Hot and cold water bath - keeping blood vessels elastic

Case: Mr. Ma Yuchu is a famous demographer, educationist, and economist in China. He was honorary president of the former Peking University and also lived to a 101-year-old longevity star. In the early years when he was studying in the United States, he was physically weak and later he had the privilege of meeting a 93-year-old doctor who was still a child. The doctor told him the secret of his physical fitness: hot and cold water bath. Wash the hot bath for a quarter of an hour before letting the meridian flow through the body. Then dry your body and rest for a few minutes. Then quickly take a few minutes of cold water bath. Since the application of this method of training, Ma Yuchu has been very healthy and even has a cold.

Comments: hot and cold water bath can make a relaxation of blood vessels, thermal expansion and contraction, to maintain blood vessel elasticity, which is to maintain normal blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease, is very good.



1, before and after bathing, should be appropriate drinking water, this can promote fluid circulation, remove the body of toxins.

2, bath temperature should not be too high, bath water temperature is best maintained at 40 degrees Celsius, a single bath time control in 15 minutes is better. It is better not to exceed 20 minutes. If you spend too much time, your skin will shrink and dry, especially for the elderly.

3, the best bath time is generally between 3 pm to 9 pm, more conducive to skin relaxation and adjustment.

4. The use of frosted bath products can help remove dead skin on the skin, but the strength should not be too large, such products are not suitable for daily use, 2-3 times a week is enough.

5, after bathing is also very important to maintain, shower gel can help lock the body's moisture, make the skin more glorious.

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