Quickly build a warm nest for piglets

Whether it is a pig farm or a scattered sow farmer, it will be anxious for the piglets to maintain warmth in the winter. If the heat preservation measures are not appropriate, the newly born piglets will be alive or frozen or frozen, and the sows will be deeply affected by it. harm. Piglets and sows that have been frostbite or frozen to death will cause huge economic losses to farmers.

Shi Mingzhuang, Pingxiang County, Nandezhen Beizhuang Village, sow farmer Feng Mingzhong was reared in sows for more than 20 years. Shedding piglets during their littering period not only created a good model of warmth, but also achieved self-control of temperature. The best degree of warmth.

Feng Mingzhong’s pigsty is close by, and both pens are fed with sows. Although sows during past years had to burn fire around the sow to help the sows and piglets to get warm, due to the temperature being emitted too quickly, special personnel were responsible for the safety of heating. In the event of a daytime incident, if it is late in the evening, firing in the middle of the night to help the sow and the piglets heat up will not achieve the desired temperature. Once the fire caused by fire, the consequences are even more disastrous. For this reason, Feng Mingzhong has created a space of two cubic meters in the middle of the pigsty as a venue for the piglets' nests. In the two-cubic meter space, a deep tunnel must be dug first, and the lowest level is used as a firing path for firing. The bottom does not need to be hardened. At the same time, on both sides of the aisles, bricks are used to build a one-foot-high bench, and the steps are cast into cement slabs. On the cement slabs, the warm litter of the piglets can be built, and bricks can be built around them. In the rectangular piglet, leave channels on both sides, that is, the channel connecting the sow pigpen and the warm nest. It can accommodate the piglets to go in and out freely, and also leave a passage with the upper layer to facilitate the piglets to run upstairs. Eat freely and receive sunbathing. The uppermost layer is where piglets eat and receive sunbathing. They can be open during the day and let the sun shine in. At night, they can be covered with plastic cloth or haystacks to prevent piglets from getting windy and keep warm. The middle layer, where piglets sleep and rest, can install a 1000 watt electric bulb to warm the piglets. You also need to install a thermometer to monitor the temperature. The bottom floor, that is, the layer with soil, is responsible for producing the fire. If the weather is cold and the temperature of the sleeping area of ​​the piglet does not reach the desired temperature, the bottom layer of fire can be used to provide heat to the upper piglets. It is worth noting that A chimney is installed in the lowest floor of the fire to facilitate the emission of smoke so as not to smoke the piglets.

Of course, it is also possible to put a layer of soft and comfortable weeds such as white thatched grass in the living area of ​​piglets, and also use cotton, sponges, etc., which is also ideal for warming effect of piglets.

In addition to the above measures, local villagers,

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