Layer 28 Hour Lighting Principle

Light affects the number of mature eggs and the time of ovulation. As the age of the egg increases, the volume of the egg increases, but the rate of maturation of the egg slows down, so the interval between two ovulations increases from 24 hours to approximately 26 hours. Therefore, the conventional 24-hour light illumination dark cycle most commonly used in layer farms does not allow chickens to maximize their genetic potential for egg production. The non-24-hour light-dark cycle refers to a light-dark cycle in which the day-night cycle change is different from the conventional 24-hour cycle. Lights longer than 24 hours are generally used and their main function is to limit the frequency of ovulation to one egg per light and dark cycle. Experiments show that the 27-hour light-dark cycle is very close to the ideal physiological value of the chicken, and the 28-hour cycle light is most suitable for chicken production practice. The 28-hour cycle is repeated 6 times every 7 days, and only 6 per week. There are chicken eggs in the sky for easy management and work arrangements. The 28-hour light period is 12 hours and the dark period is 16 hours. That is, if it starts on Sunday, it will be 4 to 16 hours; 8 to 20; 12 to 0; 16 to 4; 20 to 8; 0 to 12 to Saturday. There is no peak production on Sundays, and neither eggs nor eggs need to be disposed of on this day. Practice has shown that when the 28-hour light-dark cycle is used, egg weight, eggshell thickness, and feed intake increase by 5?9%, 8?0%, and 5%, respectively, compared with the 24-hour light-dark cycle, but the egg production rate decreases by 20%. The loss caused by the drop in egg production rate and increase in feed intake can be increased and reduced by the egg weight (the 24-hour period is 17 bright and 7 dark, so after using the 28-hour period, 12 clear is equivalent to the 17-hour period of the 24-hour cycle. Can save nearly 5? 5 hours of electricity) to make up, in general, higher economic efficiency. The circadian clock in egg-laying hens is 24 to 5 hours a day. Therefore, when changing from a 28-hour cycle to a 24-hour cycle, it is necessary to increase the period by 3-5 hours. Conversion coefficient: 28-24. 5 = 3? 5, 24? 5 as egg clock time. Changing from a 24-hour cycle to a 28-hour cycle shortens the period by 3-5 hours in order to provide considerable stimuli to the hens. For example, in terms of stimulating gonadotropin secretion to facilitate egg production, 13 bright + 15 dark = 28 hours, which is equivalent to 16? 5 bright + 7? 5 dark = 24 hours. The bright light intensity is 10 lux or more during the bright period, and the dim white or blue light intensity is 1 lux in the dark period to facilitate the management of the chicken. For chickens before the peak of egg production, chickens near the end of the laying period, or chickens in hot weather, 28-hour cycle light can be used to increase egg weight and shell quality, and achieve better economic benefits.




Shenzhen Sunshine Technology Co.,Ltd ,