Anti-cancer eat these 10 kinds of food

Improper diet can cause cancer, but eating can also prevent cancer. Not long ago, Huang Zhijie, an associate researcher at Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, pointed out in his lecture in Shenzhen that there is no lack of anti-cancer and anti-cancer substances in nature. They are widely found in natural foods.

At present, the internationally and domestically recognized vegetables with anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects are: sweet potatoes, asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, eggplant, beets, carrots, leeks, needle mushrooms, sedum, Chinese cabbage; fruits are in turn: papaya, strawberry, orange Oranges, kiwis, mangoes, apricots, persimmons, tomatoes, and watermelons. Huang Zhijie specifically introduced 10 kinds of foods that have anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects.


★ Carrot

Studies have found that carotene contained in carrots can be converted into vitamin A in the body, and vitamin A has anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects. Carrots also contain more folic acid, and folic acid also has anti-cancer effects. The lignin contained can increase the immunity of the organism by 2-3 times, thereby indirectly suppressing or eliminating carcinogens and cancer cells in the body. In addition, molybdenum in carrots can also prevent cancer and cancer. Therefore, eating carrots can prevent cancer from happening.

★ Cauliflower

Huang Zhijie believes that the anti-cancer effect of cauliflower is first and foremost among the acarid substances contained in it. It can reduce the levels of female hormones in the human body and can prevent the occurrence of breast cancer; while steroid derivatives such as aromatic isothiocyanate and dithiophenone They are resistant to the toxicity of carcinogens such as benzopyrene.

This time, cauliflower contains an enzyme called radish, which can inactivate carcinogens and reduce the occurrence of gastrointestinal and respiratory cancers. Therefore, nutrition medicine believes that people suffering from stomach diseases have a family history of breast cancer. Women who eat more cauliflower can prevent the occurrence of stomach cancer and breast cancer. In addition, Cauliflower contains more cellulose, vitamin C, carotene, and trace elements, all of which have anti-cancer effects.

Cauliflower can also prevent prostate cancer. Studies in the United States have found that eating cruciferous vegetables can reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men. However, eating cauliflower must rely on chewing to make its anti-cancer effect come into play.

A Japanese experiment showed that the anticancer rate of polysaccharides in mushrooms ranged from 80% to 95%, and had a significant effect on a variety of malignant tumors such as leukemia, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, and liver cancer.

★ Mushrooms

Shiitake contains a "beta-glucosidase" substance that enhances the anti-cancer effect of the body. A Japanese experiment showed that the anticancer rate of polysaccharides in mushrooms ranged from 80% to 95%, and had a significant effect on a variety of malignant tumors such as leukemia, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, and liver cancer.

In addition, in the initial stage of cancer, insisting on eating shiitake can inhibit its development and even make it disappear. This is because mushrooms not only contain polysaccharides, but they also contain an interferon-inducing agent, double-stranded RNA, which can enter cancer cells to inhibit their proliferation. Continuous consumption of shiitake mushrooms after various types of cancer surgery can also prevent the metastasis of cancer cells.

There is a protein in the stem of the mushroom, which can stimulate the natural anti-cancer mechanism in patients with cervical cancer, so that patients rely on their own immunity to fight cancer cells. Tricholoma matsutake contains more than ten kinds of effective anti-cancer components, among which Tricholoma matsutake polysaccharide is currently the most powerful stimulant of helper T lymphocytes, it can effectively inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and has strong anti-radiation and anti-tumor activity. Anti-radioactive substances injure the body cells and inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells, and they can absorb and excrete carcinogens and prevent chemicals, radiation and viruses from causing cancer.

★ Sweet potato

Among 20 kinds of vegetables with obvious inhibitory effect on tumor cells, sweet potato ranked first, and the tumor inhibition rate of cooked sweet potato was 98.7%, and that of raw sweet potato was 94.4%.

The researchers found that sweet potatoes contain anti-cancer substances that inhibit the growth of cancer cells, called glycolipids; there is also an active substance in sweet potatoes called deoxyandrosterone, which can inhibit and kill cancer cells, and can make weak immunity. The system reinvigorated and prevented breast cancer and colon cancer.

★ Grape

Grape has a strong anti-cancer properties, because it contains resveratrol can prevent cancerous cells in healthy cells, and can inhibit the spread of malignant cells. Resveratrol was found in more than 70 plants including grapes, mulberries and peanuts, but the highest content of resveratrol was found in grapes and grape products. All wines contain a certain amount of resveratrol, the highest content is red wine, so regular drinking red wine has a certain anti-cancer effect.

★ Pomelo citrus

Calcium in natural foods can prevent colorectal cancer, and one of the best natural foods to supplement calcium is grapefruit, which contains 519 mg of calcium per 100 grams of grapefruit, so regular consumption of grapefruit can prevent the occurrence of colorectal cancer. Grapefruit can also serve as a preventive food for cancer patients before radiotherapy. Scientists also found that pomelo peel itself has the same strong anticancer activity as ginseng, and its inhibition rate on cervical cancer cells is as high as 70%-90% in in vitro tests.

There is a substance with strong anti-cancer effect in citrus juice, namely "Nominulin", which can decompose carcinogenic chemicals, greatly reduce its toxicity, and can cut off the long carbon chain of viral nucleic acids and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Prevent the occurrence of gastric cancer.

In addition, there is a class of substances called terpenes in citrus. The ellagic acid present in the berry activates the protein molecules in the cell, surrounds the carcinogens that invade human cells, and uses the phagocytosis function of the cell membrane. Carcinogens are excreted outside the cell to prevent cancer from occurring.

★ Seafood

Currently, various marine drugs extracted from marine organisms have shown unique efficacy in anti-cancer and anti-cancer treatments. Kelp, seaweed, seaweed and other seaweeds all have certain anti-cancer effects. Seaweed contains a variety of trace elements, particularly rich in iodine content, and its organic iodine absorption, excretion in the body is relatively slow, very effective in the prevention of cancer.

In addition to nutrients such as protein, fat, and minerals, kelp can also selectively remove carcinogens such as strontium and cadmium. At the same time, because it contains cellulose is not easy to be digested, it can increase the amount of stool, promote the excretion of certain carcinogens in the body and help prevent cancer.

Marine fish contains anti-cancer fitness substances. For example, some substances in cod liver oil have a certain inhibitory effect on the production of tumor necrosis factor and leukocyte interstitium. The appropriate amount of cod liver oil is not only beneficial to the elimination of human body inflammation, but also can improve the human urinary function and reduce impurities in the blood.

Shark cartilage contains a factor that inhibits tumor angiogenesis, so it can inhibit tumor growth. The squalene isolated from shark liver has good anticancer effect and low toxicity. The active ingredients such as penetin, sea saponin, and acid mucopolysaccharides contained in sea cucumbers also have an anti-cancer effect and inhibit the metastasis of cancer cells.


Asparagus is a mustard vegetable, containing a variety of anti-cancer nutrients. First, it is rich in a tissue protein that can effectively inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Second, asparagus in a large number of folic acid, nucleic acids, selenium and asparaginase, can well inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent the spread of cancer cells; The most important point is that the asparagus extract can promote DNA double-strand breaks in cancer cells, which makes the asparagus anticancer has the most selective selectivity for scientists: it can directly kill cancer cells and has no side effects on normal cells.

It should be noted that when asparagus is used to assist in the treatment of tumor disorders, it is guaranteed to be effective daily. Asparagus can be fried, boiled, stewed, and broiled. It can also be used as a soup, but it should not be eaten raw, as it may cause bloating and diarrhea.

★ Tomato

Tomato is rich in lycopene, which has unique antioxidant capacity, can scavenge free radicals, protect cells, protect DNA and genes from damage, and prevent cancer progression. The secretion of its cytokines can activate lymphocyte lysis of cancer cells. In addition to preventing prostate cancer, tomatoes can effectively reduce the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, rectal cancer, laryngeal cancer, oral cancer, lung cancer, and breast cancer.

★ Soybean

Soybeans are very effective in preventing breast cancer, colon cancer, and rectal cancer. As long as the diet contains 5% soybean or its finished product, chemical carcinogens that induce breast cancer can be significantly inhibited. Soybeans are rich in isoflavones, which is a weaker female hormone. Menopausal women often eat soybeans and can regulate the secretion of estrogen well, thus reducing menopausal symptoms and regulating breast and female Hormonal reactions make breast tissue less prone to abnormal changes and have the effect of preventing breast cancer.

Soybean contains many trace elements, such as cobalt, selenium, molybdenum, etc., eat soybeans and tofu, can significantly reduce the risk of colon cancer and rectal cancer.

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