Pregnancy recipes for pregnant women for 13 weeks

Pregnant women 13 weeks of pregnancy in the diet of the main nutrients are zinc, iodine. Expectant mothers need to increase their zinc intake this month. About 14 weeks, the fetus's thyroid gland began to work and made its own hormones. The thyroid needs iodine to function normally. Insufficient iodine intake by the mother and hypothyroidism after birth can affect the child's central nervous system, especially the development of the brain. Seafoods such as fish, shellfish and seaweed are the most abundant food sources for iodine. Eat at least twice a week. Zinc deficiency can also cause pregnant women's taste, abnormal smell, loss of appetite, poor digestion and absorption, and reduced immunity. Zinc-rich foods include raw oysters, oysters, liver, mushroom, sesame, and erythrascus, especially in oysters.

13 weeks of pregnancy diet considerations

1, pregnant women need nutrition, to ensure the growth of the fetus, so the intake of pregnant women to eat more than usual about 10 to 20%. If the nausea and vomiting of early pregnancy reaction, can take a small amount of meals, diet should be light, easy to digest, you can eat sour dates, oranges and other sour fruit, but not pickles and the like.

2, 3 months of the second trimester, the fetus gains 10 grams per day, the food intake of pregnant women should be increased. Because the uterus bulges and oppresses the intestine, it is easy to cause constipation, so pregnant women should eat more vegetables and drink plenty of water.

3. During the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus gains twice as much weight, and the brain cells proliferate. This is the key stage of nutrition for pregnant women. Attention should be paid to a sufficient and reasonable balanced diet.

4. In the middle and late stages of pregnancy, the average daily diet needs an additional 9 grams of high-quality protein, equivalent to eating 300 grams of milk, two eggs or 50 grams of lean meat, and if it is a vegetable protein, eat 15 grams more, which is equivalent to 200 grams of tofu Or rice.

5, blood volume during pregnancy increased by 30%, need 700 mg of iron to make red blood cells, is usually three or four times, should eat more animal foods such as lean meat, poultry, fish, eat two or three times a week, liver, if necessary Iron can be taken to avoid anemia, but not tea.

6, increase the intake of calcium-containing dairy products or food, and more sun, you can also take calcium tablets.

7, eat 500 to 700 grams of vegetables a day, to supplement the vitamins needed by pregnant women, eat a fruit after dinner.

8, control the amount of salt. Especially for pregnant women with lower extremity edema, we must pay attention to dishes not too salty, eat more food with some water.

The 13th week of pregnancy recipe recommendations

Assorted sweet porridge

Ingredients: 200 grams of millet, 100 grams of rice, 50 grams of mung beans, peanuts (raw) 50 grams, dates (dry) 50 grams, 50 grams of walnuts, 50 grams of raisins.


1. Wash millet, glutinous rice, mung beans, peanuts, red dates, walnuts, and raisins with water.

2. Put the washed mung beans into the pot, add a little water, and cook till seven mature, add boiling water, put the millet, glutinous rice, peanuts, red dates, walnuts, raisins into, add brown sugar, mix well, boil Change to low heat and cook until cooked.

Production Tips: If simple, you can use raisins and glutinous rice in a ratio of 1:2 to cook porridge. Cooking porridge with raisins is best for pregnant women.

Efficacy: It is a nutritious porridge. Its sweet and refreshing, nutritious. Carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins are abundant and are ideal for pregnant women.

Steamed prawns

Practice: prawn clean, cut into sections; onions washed and cut; ginger washed, half sliced, half cut. Place the prawn in the pan, add cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, onion, ginger, pepper, and soup, steam on the basket for 10 minutes, and pick the onion, ginger, and peppercorns. Use vinegar, soy sauce, ginger, and sesame oil for juice.

Efficacy: Prawns are rich in high-quality protein, vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, niacin and various minerals, can kidney and stomach.

Vegetarian ham

Practice: Soak the skin of oil and bean curd with cold water and take it out for use. Mix the salt, soy sauce, sugar, chicken and fresh soup stock, shrimp and sesame oil. Spread the above soup evenly on the skin of the bean curd, tighten the bean skin tightly, bind it tightly with a twine, steam it for 1 hour, and remove the slices.

Efficacy: rich in calcium, iron, but also contains protein, fat, vitamin B2, niacin and phosphorus, etc., increase calcium intake.

Beef stew

Ingredients: 500 grams of beef (lean), 200 grams of carrot, and 10 grams of celery.


1. Clean the beef and cut it into small pieces.

2, carrot cut hob or ball.

3. Put the boiled beef in a cold saucepan over medium heat and boil for a moment. Pour boiling water and pour it into the wash. Take a large casserole and put it into a piece of beef. Fill it with clear water and scallion, ginger, and scallion. Mo, use micro-fire to keep the boiling surface out of the pot (not covered), stew for 3.5 hours to crisp.

4, go to the onion ginger, add carrots, salt, monosodium glutamate and stew until the carrots are crisp, pepper, celery at the end.

Shrimp fried leeks

Ingredients: 200 grams of leeks, 100 grams of shrimp, 50 grams of salad oil, 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of vinegar.


1. Wash and cut into 3.5 cm long segments.

2. Put the oil in the pot and heat it up to 50% of the heat. Put the shrimps into the oil until the color turns to a depth and becomes crisp.

3, into the leeks, add salt, monosodium glutamate, stir-fried until the leeks cut off students.

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