Loquat leaves commonly used formula

Common formula

1, cure cough, there are snoring in the throat: 25 grams of wolfberry leaves, 2.5 grams of Chuanbei, 10 grams of almonds almond, orange peel 10 grams. For the end, each serving 5 ~ 10 grams, boiled water delivery. ("Southern Materia Medica")

2, treatment of Hyperactivity cough: 9 grams of loquat leaves, white mulberry 12 grams, 6 grams of Astragalus, Shuijianbi. Or 12 grams of candied leaves, 15 grams of candied mulberry white skin, Shuijianbi. ("Shaanxi Chinese Herbal Medicine")

3, cure wind-heat cough: loquat leaves, bitter almonds, mulberry white, chrysanthemum, burdock each 9g. Decoction. ("Anhui Chinese Herbal Medicine")

4, cure lung wind cough inverse: dry loquat leaves 30g, leek, Qianhu each 15 ~ 18g, leaves 5 leaves. Decoction, brown sugar, morning and evening service. ("Tianmushan Medicinal Plants")

5, cure lung dryness cough: dry loquat leaves (to hair) 9g, dried mulberry leaves 9g, chaff 15g, Shuijianbi. ("Guangxi Folk Herbal Medicine Manual")

6, treatment of women suffering from lung heat for a long time, such as fire, muscle lean, will become lung phlegm: with cilantro, arbor, coltsfoot flowers, purpura, almonds, mulberry white halve, rhubarb by half. As usual, the rule is the end of the rule, honey pill, such as cherry big. After eating, night and night each containing a pill. ("Ben Cao Yan Yi")

7, cure lung qi converse, stasis phlegm cough, cough bursts, vomiting, not rebelling (common name Dayton): with cilantro (Jiang Yan), Peucedanum, wind, mint, almonds, Mulberry, guai ren, Campanulaceae each money a five points, licorice, Cimicifuga seven points. Shuijianbi. ("Authentic Fangmai")

8, treatment of whooping cough: loquat leaves 15g, mulberry white skin 15g, Digupi 9g, licorice 3g. Shuijianbi. (Jiangxi Herb Manual)

9, treatment of chronic bronchitis, cough, asthma and more: sorghum leaves, winter mulberry leaves, plantain, day pulp shell, TCS. Decoction. ("Shanghai Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine")

10. Treat vomiting:

1 two loquat leaves, five Shi Di, calamus 6g, cinnamon bamboo (Cinnamon scrape the second layer of skin) one. Decoction. (Jiangxi Herb Manual)

2 15 grams of loquat leaves, fresh Zhuru 15g, stove heart soil 60g. Shuijianbi. ("Enshi Chinese Herbal Medicine Handbook") 11. Treatment of young and old vomiting, taking more than drugs: loquat leaves (net brush to the leaves after the hair, chopped) two-two, Pinellia ((father) Tsui, net) four two weight. On a piece of ginger with two weights, cut into large mung beans, mix well, brewed overnight, low-fried so that the micro-focus coke color, with paper on the ground waiting for cold, each serving two or two, a water simmer, fry seven minutes, to slag With fewer hollows and slow throws, it can be used in the same decoction as any other medicine. ("Living Heart Book" Sansheng San)

12, treatment of children spit indefinitely: a loquat leaf (wipe hair, micro-inflammatory yellow 0), the mother cloves a minute. On the top of the medicine, 捣 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 , , 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为. ("Sheng Hui Fang" Qiu Ye San)

13, treatment of hot and hot disease, drinking water, cold sputum: sputum leaf (sweep to the hair), Chine root half a litre. On the two flavors, cut four litres of water and cook two liters. Drink a little, and stop when you stop. ("Ancient and modern records of prescription" Xie Ye Yin Zi)

14, governance fever polydipsia, drinking too much, when there are vomiting side: wolfberry leaves 22 (wipe hair, badger emblem yellow), chaff one (two), pueraria one or two (锉). On the top of the medicine, the sifted sieve was scattered, and the water was simmered and simmered until it lasted for one and a half minutes. ("Sheng Hui Fang")

15, rule five 噎 噎 枇杷 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 噎 、. On top of the medicine, the water was two and a half, and it was fried until it lasted for one and a half. ("Sheng Hui Fang" rule Wuyi legislation side effects) 16. Treatment of cholera spit more than: sputum leaf (swipe hair, gills), Gui (to rough skin), Magnolia (to rough skin, ginger sauce), Chen orange Skin (white, baking) each half. On the four flavors, the Jurassic is crude. For each serving of two money baskets, one bowl of water, three bowls of food, fry six minutes, hot clothes, and no juice. ("San Ji Chui Lu" Zheng Wei Tang)

17, the treatment of cholera upset and restlessness can not sleep: 枇杷 ( ( (wipe hair) a point, reed rhizome (wash, roasted) three points, ginseng one point. On the three flavors, rough sieve. For each serving of five money baskets, one bowl of water is poured into the bowl, five inches into the bowl, and one bowl is fried until it is warm. ("San Ji Zong Lu" Ye Yeyin)

18, treatment of chronic nephritis, cystitis and urethritis, urinating astringent or unfavorable: with loquat leaves, plantago, licorice, decoction effective. ("Jiangsu Traditional Chinese Medicine")

19, back to the milk: the loquat leaves (to hair) 5, Achyranthes root 9g. Shuijianbi. ("Zhejiang Folk Herbs")

20, treatment of summer children with skin heat sores such as herpes, scrofula, etc.: with yin leaf Jiantang as a bath agent, 1 to 2 times a day, there is treatment and prevention of the effect. ("Jiangsu Traditional Chinese Medicine")

21, on the surface of the sores: the loquat leaves, cloth wipe the hair, dry, for the end, after the tea soup transferred the second money. ("First Aid")

22, treatment of red nose: lotus leaf (to hair), hawthorn, flavescens, Atractylodes (rice glutinous rice roasted), each is divided into the end, each serving a half and a half, the wine transferred white roll soup swallowed. ("Badges of Punishment")

23, cure lung wind, acne, epistaxis, the beginning of red, long meat was swollen by: the loquat leaves (deburring) eight two, Astragalus (wine speculation) two two, one or two licorice, TCS 42. For the end of the total, Xinan Liquor pills, Tongzi large. Each serving a five-point fee, after eating and sleeping white soup, tea soup can be sent down, bogey fire wine, fry. ("Surgical Authenticity" 枇杷叶丸)

24, rule turn flowers 痔 痔: 枇杷 leaves (honey 炙 炙 炙 dry) for the end, ebony meat (drying) for the end, and uniform, first wash with 痔 , 次 , , , , , , , , ("Ancient and modern medical system")

25, treatment of blood stasis more than: the loquat leaves, to hair, drying the end of the tea tune a second money, on the three services. ("Premier")

Supplement Ingredients

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