Blind cupping risky 7 groups of people are not suitable for cupping to lose weight

Core Tip: The "Dahe" recently reported that when Ms. Jiao Zuoyi accepted cupping to lose weight, she suddenly experienced symptoms of discomfort and died after being rescued by the hospital. For this case, the presiding judge combined with the introduction of medical experts to remind: Blind cupping weight loss risk.

Cupping is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy in China. Many people, especially middle-aged and old people, are familiar with it. Because it is simple, easy to use, and effective, it is inherited from generation to generation. In recent years, many Chinese medical experts have found that cupping can not only cure diseases but also reduce weight. So many beauty salons on the market have advertised cupping and weight loss. However, cupping is, after all, a professional treatment. The method of operation seems simple. In fact, there are many taboos. If you do not understand medical practitioners to operate freely and apply acupuncture points in a random manner, they will be counter-productive and even dangerous.

Cupping diet to promote local metabolism

Cupping can be chilled, dampened, dredge meridians, eliminate phlegm stagnation, promote qi and blood circulation, reduce swelling, relieve pain, and remove toxic heat. It has the function of adjusting the body's yin and yang balance, correcting ecstasy, and curing diseases. The cupping diet is the use of strong suction force when cupping, so that the sweat pores fully open, sweat glands and sebaceous gland function are stimulated and enhanced, the skin surface aging cells off, so that the principle of the body toxins, waste accelerated discharge, and then according to obesity Location, select local acupoints to follow through the channeling, promote local metabolism, eliminate local fat to achieve local weight loss purposes. At the same time, cupping can stimulate obese autonomic nerves, making it active and increasing energy expenditure.

Seven groups are not suitable for cupping to lose weight

Expert Tip: Although cupping is a safe and fast way to lose weight, not everyone is suitable for cupping to lose weight. If blindly cupping to lose weight, the harm may be greater than the weight loss effect.

What people are not suitable for cupping to lose weight?

1. People suffering from anemia, heart disease, high blood pressure and other diseases should not lose weight by cupping.

2. Patients suffering from skin allergies, skin diseases, and local skin lesions should not lose weight by cupping.

3. Female menstrual period, pregnancy should not be cupping weight loss.

4. Patients with high fever, convulsions, convulsions, etc. are not suitable for cupping and weight loss.

5. The body is too weak and the skin has no elasticity. Patients should not lose weight by cupping.

6. Coagulation mechanism is not good, patients with spontaneous bleeding or bleeding after injury should not be cupping weight loss.

7. Drunk, full stomach, fasting, too thirsty, and overworkers should not lose weight by cupping.

Accidental emergency cupping

Although the benefits of cupping are many, it is inevitable that each person will have a different constitution.

If during the cupping process, suddenly feel palpitation, dizziness, nausea, pale, cold sweat, weak pulse, or blood pressure drop, cold limbs, incontinence, shock and other symptoms, should immediately stop cupping, will have The removed cans were removed to assist the patient in supine and the head was slightly lower, keeping warm. Light rest for a while, drink warm water and you can recover. Those who are severely agitate or acupuncture at points such as Hegu, Zusanli, Renzhong, Neiguan, etc., or moxibustion Baihui, Yongquan, Guanyuan, Qihai, etc. If they are still not relieved, they must cooperate with others. first-aid.

Cupping requires doctors to be familiar with the functions of the human body's acupuncture points, and requires high professional skills and operating practices of the doctors. Therefore, we recommend that you choose a regular hospital when you need to cup. Even if a cupping adverse reaction occurs, it can be treated in time.

Friends who want to lose weight must understand their own situation, and then according to their own physical conditions to choose the right method for their own, so that not only effective, but also safe. Cupping weight loss is good, but can not blindly cupping for weight loss, we must grasp the cupping diet indications and contraindications, do not only care for beauty, ignore the dangers.

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