It is advisable

In a farm where the stocking density is high, cutting can be performed; in farms or plots where the stocking density is relatively small, it can be continued. If the group of laying hens that feed on each other have mutual grazing, they may be appropriately desecrated. If you are breeding a breeder, the breeder can be cut off as appropriate, and the breeder can't be cut off. The degree of defecation should not be as severe as that of raising chickens in cages, and shallow cuttings can be used appropriately to avoid affecting the feeding of chickens.

For a chicken, the stress is greater, and the older the age, the more severe the stress. Therefore, the time to break should be strictly controlled. Normally, it should be broken at 6-9 days and should be conducted when the climate is cool. In the case of severed pups, tilt the chick's head forward slightly, cut off the tip of the chick at the tip of the nostril 1/3 (lightly with the caged chicken broken slightly), and stop bleeding by burning for 2-3 seconds to prevent infection. If you use a portable device, you can hold the iron with your left hand, grab the chicken with your right hand, secure the chicken gizzard with your thumb and index finger, and sew with the soldering iron to a 60 degree angle. After breaking off, the upper jaw is slightly shorter than the lower jaw, which is in line with the standard.

You must be careful when you break your axillary to prevent the chick from being injured or killed due to improper operation. When making a break, note the following:

1. Flock health status. The chickens are required to be in good health at the time of the break. Before and after the onset of the flock, or before and after the vaccination, the flea should not be broken to avoid the onset or death of the chicks due to stress.

2. Prevent bleeding. In order to avoid or reduce hemorrhage during choking, vitamin K may be added to chick diets or drinking water 2 days before and after chopping.

3. The temperature of the hot blade. The hot blade used for breaking the crucible must have sufficient heat, generally 815°C, the blade is dark cherry red, so that the bleeding is fast and effective when the crucible is broken.

4. Master break time. When the jaw is broken, the time for the hot blade to contact with the fistula is 3 seconds. The time is too short and it is not conducive to stopping the bleeding. Too long time is not conducive to the future growth of the chick.

5. The knife can not touch the chicken tongue. When broken, hold the top or side of the chick's head with your thumb, and gently press the index finger on the pharynx of the chick to shrink it, avoiding the tongue coming into contact with the hot knife.

6. For drinking water, increase the depth of feeding. After deafness, drink fresh water; within 1 week after deafness, increase the depth of feed in the feed tank for feeding.

7. Pay attention to check the effect of cutting off. Observe carefully after weaning because some chickens do not have bleeding when they are removed. However, bleeding may occur more than half an hour after removal. Therefore, to strengthen the inspection after the severance, if any bleeding should be immediately with a hot knife and cut the face, you can stop the bleeding.

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